Casual Duty Progress Report

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12 July 2007

Vacation/Research Trip

I took a few days off work and traveled to Southern Arizona last month. I flew into Tucson and drove to Sierra Vista/Fort Huachuca. I couldn't believe how much has changed in the last 13 years. I stayed at the Windmere Hotel (so-so) and spent my days writing/driving/photographing and just soaking in the atmosphere. I even stood outside in the rain just to feel the drops and smell the lush wet desert smell (creosote and sage).

I hiked for a couple of hours in Huachuca Canyon and took approximately 30 pictures of my setting. I visited old friends in the Fort Huachuca cemetary. I drove out to Bisbee, Tombstone and Benson. I ate awful food. I threw my back out and have been hobbling around for two weeks, but it was worth it!

I'm homesick for my high desert town.

I added approximately 4800 words to my manuscript and another 2000 or so in handwriting scribble. I'm calling it a successful trip!

Photos to be posted when I figure out how to reduce the file size.

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