Casual Duty Progress Report

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18 December 2007

The Dickens Challenge

I took the plunge and jumped into the pool with eight other brave souls on Tim Hallinan's weblog, The Blog Cabin. I will be posting chapters here and on the Dickens Challenge Forum. And it won't hurt. Since Tim started talking about the possibility of doing this challenge, I started writing again. The other day I sat down and 3000 words fell out of my head. Last night, while the Bears were getting their butts kicked on Monday night football, I spent two hours revising my Prologue.

Flow . . .

Monday I will post.


Lisa said...

So glad you took the plunge! I read about you and about what you're working on and I can't believe that out of such a small number of people, two of us (women) are veterans -- I'm working on my second chapter, which takes my character back to an assignment in Germany. Talk about a small world! I can't wait to read your work.

CindyLV said...

Thanks for your kind words, Lisa. I'm so excited about us jumping in together! My goal is to finish this first book in a series of my character's duty assignments, highlighting her experience and exploits in different situations/locations. I'm glad you're right next to me!

Anonymous said...

Welcome aboard Cynthia.
The moment I read some of your work, my mind went to Lisa.
look forward to Monday when you post, proper.

Jennifer Duncan said...

I'm excited that you're doing this! No, it won't hurt! Looking forward to reading. . . .