Casual Duty Progress Report

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25 May 2007

Feelin' Groovy? NOT!

Today's mood: Oogy (a restless feeling, unsettled)

Home. Sunshine. A cup of coffee. Piles of pens. My notebook. I'm surfing the net. Chattin' with e-friends on the Max Martini Boards. Maybe I'll blog on NOT writing. Write about writing...that's almost like writing, isn't it? It's closer to writing than just READING about writing. I'm a creature craving my routine. I write when I'm in my groove. Where's my groove today? I guess I'm not feeling groovy, or would that be grooved?

My cure?

Back to finish my morning pages (Thank you, Julia Cameron).
Timed write on blogging perhaps (Thank you, Natalie Goldberg).
Then flip the page and rewrite the last few lines of the scene I'm working on...

Viola! or Eureaka! My groove. I'm groovy.

Well today, I'm just hoping for Not Ungroovy.

I've allocated an hour of uninterrupted time to finish a draft of my scene in the second chapter where Bridie gets out of the market. I've got to drive across town to meet my writing buddies in two and a half hours to spend the afternoon working on THEIR stuff, so I wanted to get MY stuff done first.

But I'm oogy.

I signed up to read at Monday's meeting, so I need something to read.

Get ready.
Get set.

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