Casual Duty Progress Report

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
27,139 / 100,000

28 May 2007

Memorial Day

A day to remember the sacrifice of our brave soldiers. A day to honor their efforts and let them know that we as a country appreciate their service. And just how do we go about doing this? Furniture sales, picnics, a day at the lake. What a country.

If I were queen, I'd close all businesses and institute a day of mourning. Parades, services at cemeteries, visits to the Veteran's Hospital would all be mandatory. The only shows on TV would be depicting the stories of our heroes. People would know what it costs to sleep safely at night, under the protection of our servicemen and women. And they would teach their children.

To those who serve, I thank you.
To those who've lost a loved one, I mourn with you.
On this day of remembering, I remember.

Casual Duty Progress Report
Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
7,784 / 100,000

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